Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Whew! What a week!

Ok, so I can't even get back to talking about our trip from the beach before something else blows up! Let's see...Grace (5) started full day kindergarten and loves riding the bus to school. Work has been slower than I'd like it to be (which means I'm busier than you-know-what) and now we're thinking of moving. For those that don't know us, this is a major feat. We have a 5-acre horse farmette with 4 horses to sell, which will be very emotional on the family. I run my business out of my home so that means packing up 5 kids AND a business. Nevermind that we're looking to downsize from a 3500 sf to roughly 2300 sf!! Yikes! The traveling will be so much easier on everyone so we have to do it. My husband works three jobs (or is it four now...I'm not sure) and he's always on the road between church (he's a pastor), the office (he helps manage our electrical contracting business), Harrisburg Area Community College (he's teaching classes) and Eastern University (where he's TAKING classes.) So, that leaves me with 5 cats, 4 horses, several chickens, a mad-as-can-be rooster, and 5 kids. Oh, and a huge property to maintain. As much as it pains me to leave, I think downsizing will be good for us. We're going to miss our farm, the pool, the privacy, the quietness...the freedom, basically. So where am I going to store all my scrap stuff, my cross stitch, my books, my kitchen full of appliances, the music equipment my husband has? It's going to be a very interesting move, to say the least!